FMX Conference – day 3
I’m at the FMX Conference in Stuttgart right now. Arrived today on day 3 of a 4-day conference. I was just in time to get to Greg Rewis’ Session about Flash Video.
It was a basic session on how to import and use video in flash cs3. Greg imported video directly in flash, encoding it to flv. Then he demonstrated some of the new components: the FLVPlayback AS3 version and a subtitle component. I found the subtitle thing quite interesting: it allows you to show subtitles from cuepoints in your flash video during the playback. Cuepoints can be defined inside the FLV or – and this I liked particulary – from an XML export out of premiere or aftereffects. So cuepoint info (time & subtitle) is in an XML format and can be linked to the video through standard components. Nice.
Greg will be at multi-mania aswell, talking about CS3 in general.